I Broke Myself and Started a Website

Hello, hello, hello!


OK...so I got the StuckAnchor website up and running, I have a decent amount of designs in the T-shirt shop and I’m adding more to the hoodie shop. I gotta add them individually, ya know. I’m trying to have each design in a T-shirt and hoodie. Nice to have options.


So, lets go back to how we got here. About two years ago, I hurt my shoulder skiing. I was skiing with some friends and I went over what I like to call a Dad Jump. Just a little hop. Nothing crazy, but enough to have a little fun. Usually these little jumps are right next to the trees and just make a little ramp. This one went up and then back down. Once I saw it go back down I panicked and crossed my skis. BOOM! I crashed hard, right on my shoulder. My whole arm went numb. Oh no, this isn’t good. Any time something goes numb it isn’t good. Think about it….Have you ever had a part of your body go numb and you thought to yourself “Oh nice, that went numb. That’s a good thing.” Of course not. So, I ski to the bottom of the hill with both of my poles in one hand, still cant feel my arm. I’m with a bunch of skiers way better than me and I tell one of them “I can’t feel my arm from that fall.” Big wide eyes. Not Good. So I wait a while and I start to feel my hand again and then a LOT of pain. But we finish the day out with probably two more ski runs and no falls thank goodness.


So I go to the orthopedic surgeon and he tells me, stay off it and come back in a month if it sill hurts. OK, I can do that. Month goes by, still a lot of pain, so he sends me for an MRI. They find a bone spur and some arthritis but nothing else shows up on the MRI. That’s a bit surprising to me, but OK. MRI isn’t gonna lie to me, right? So we schedule the surgery to fix the bone spur for a few months out and when the doctor comes out to talk to my wife, he apparently has this look of “WOW. That was impressive.” Turns out I absolutely busted my shoulder, major labrum repair, no movement for 6 weeks and physical therapy after that. Well, that makes more sense.


A few weeks after my surgery I start making some T-shirt designs. I learn how to use an illustrator program, and honestly, its a lot of fun. My wife tells me I’m more creative than she’s ever seen me. Well, thank you. That is probably one of the nicest compliments I’ve had in years. And she’s pretty nice!


So here we are a few weeks after I got out of the shoulder sling. I’ve got a decent stock of designs and I’m making more. I’m pretty proud of what I’ve created and hopefully you can find something you like here too. I’m always open to new ideas and trying new things, so if you have an idea, I’d love to hear it.





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